Photography: The Online Sungei Road

Friday, April 27, 2012


Photography Category

I'm a total freak when it comes to purchasing gadgets and whatnots. This is attributed to the fact that I was once a full-fledged perfectionist. Too much attention to details and is always on constant worry that whatever I own or do is never good enough. So much so that it strained the relationship I had with my circle of friends. Then tragedy strucked and the darkest periods of my life transformed me into a better person who began to accept mistakes and flaws as part and parcel of life.

Life can never be perfect and it is the flaws that add up to its beauty.

Back to the topic. Because of this particular eccentric nature of mine, I began to be obsessed with the word, Leica. Photographers know what it represents. And so, no matter how much others try to convince me that there are, indeed, other brands worth to look at, I was adamantly sure that I wanted to own the best there ever was so that I can eventually sleep soundly at night knowing that there is none that can be up to par with mine.

The problem was price. Every beautiful thing comes with a really heavy price tag and we're not talking about those cheap, money laundering companies that overprice their products and "pretend" to be up there with the giants.

And so, in my personal world of photography adventures, like all other amateurs, I started way from the bottom - owning a compact.

During my Dark Ages (Age of Ignorance, pertaining to photography), I owned a black Samsung L210 and I realised my mistake right away. I know nothing about cameras and let the sales attendant sweet-talk me into handing him that wad of cash. I quickly rectified the situation and bought the Canon 100iS and it was pretty neat. My mind and heart was finally awakened after that. The quest began....

The goal was to acquire the best compact ever. Friends would recall me as saying, "the Grandfather of all compacts".

I got the D-Lux 4 with the 24-70mm. Told myself that this would be my LAST compact before I embark into a more challenging level - to won a different camera system altogether. Soon after, I panicked when D-Lux 5 came with a higher ISO envelope and a 24-90 lens. The Leica X1 seemed like a more viable solution to my predicament but for it's price, I was not really ready to waste $1000plus on it. 

It took me a while before I decided and one of the reasons for my decision was budget. I had to let go of No.4 to have No.5 because it just doesn't make sense to keep it. The option of keeping it would only kick in IF I change to a new camera system and in this case, the cash registry do not allow for a 2nd camera in the drybox.

I had the D-Lux 5 for quite a brief period and it being a Leica, I loved every moment with it but at the corner of my mind, I was still not able to let go of the thought of holding the X1 in my hands. At this point, Leica released X2 and D-Lux 6. Panic button was pressed but it was on half-shutter. LOL!

I told myself. Why bother with a compact? It was more than 5 years ago that I released my soul from the Dark Ages. It was finally time to upgrade. 

Bearing in mind that I can never own an M9, at least not in this period of my life, I began to broaden my perspective. IT IS OK, to see Nikon. It is never wrong to watch Canon. And it is definitely not a sin to find a Fuji.

I worshipped Summiluxes, Crons and Elmarits until after my boss showed me a picture of a little girl that he took with a Zeiss....

I almost tumbled over my cubicle seat because all this while, I thought there is no such thing as a Lens God called Zeiss.

My faith was challenged.

(Just to put things right, I'm never an anti-DSLR person and in fact, I'm constantly working with D700s and 5D Mark IIIs in my daily work and they're indeed, great instruments for both photo and video projects. Perhaps I'm too used to them that I don't see that "WOW" factor anymore.)

After all that said and done,

guess what I'll be owning in a few hours time?



Both Leica Sisters SOLD!
Thanks for your queries.

Thank you to my friend for "volunteering" to adopt my baby D-Lux 5 as his own.
Baby 5, you'll be greatly missed.

Here you go. Another mint Leica Compact.

This time, it's the mighty D-Lux 5.

I'm head over heels in love with anything Leica. The infatuation is crazy enough and as I delve deeper into the realms of photography, no DSLR can take my attention away, not even Canon's Mark III or the mighty D3S.

That's the problem when you know too much technical aspects and parts that make up a camera.

Many friends asked me why buy a darn expensive compact when I can afford a DSLR with Interchangeable Lens at a much cheaper price AND with bigger sensors.

Here's my story.

In this technologically advanced world we live in, electronic and electrical components become cheaper. Many could now afford a DSLR and quite a substantial number of them don't even know what ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed mean.

They'll go out, buy and then show it off at wedding functions, family outings, etc. From the illiterate grandma to the young, immatured punks around the blocks, from professionals to the wannabe amateurs, all can somehow afford a camera in one way or another. The sad part is, most consumers were 'conned' by money-laundering salesman into buying them. The even sadder part is, these show-offs really thought that a very good camera is something that has its lens bulkily sticking out, paying for more than $1k with a crappy kit-lens and one that looks good on you especially when you pose and people comment that you look just like that professional photographer they hired for their wedding.

The market gets too saturated with demands and knowing that this is good money, Photography Companies create models that are sometimes too overpriced or one that stands in the grey areas between an Entry Level to Mid-Range.

You won't know a good camera unless you really do have the knowledge at the back of your head.

Most of the time, consumers are blinded by marketing strategies and gimmicks and fall for cameras that are well-designed but "hollow" on the inside. The concept is just like buying watches. (See my Watch Category).

I'm one who can't sleep well at night knowing that the compact I buy is a mearge illusion of perfection. I want the best. If I can't have afford the best rangefinder, I don't lower my expectations and buy something that is made out of cheap plastic and then boasts of its capabilities the same way an M9 does. So, if I want to buy a compact, I'll make sure that it is the Grandfather of all compacts known to man. Besides, I'm looking at its value after the purchase. Try selling a a used LX-5 for $500 after two years of usage and you'll find yourself haggling with the buyer and end up selling it for $100 less.

I like how many people would shrugged me off when I take out my Leica whenever I bring it over to wedding functions. As the bride and groom appears, the guests would start yanking out their mediocre SLRs that (God-forbid) they had paid a heavy price tag on and they think it has to be darn good for its expensiveness.

No one EVER notices my baby D-Lux 5 (except for one time but it's the Wedding Photographer who knew what it was so that doesn't count), for a fact that they didn't know what it was. They wouldn't know that this little black device is far more superior than all of their so-called click-click combined.

And there's the undeniably teasing Red-Dot at the corner that makes a person want to look at again and again and again. Something compels him to it.

"You don' t know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."
- Morpheus (The Matrix)

On one occasion, there were five of us trying to take a pic of the wedding couple simultaneously (Malay Wedding, hint: Void Deck with tungsten lights and other glittering whatnots on the pedestal with strikingly bright afternoon sun in the background). Cameras up, and there goes the clicks. There was one Samsung, A Cybershot, a Nex (2010 edition. Can't be bothered with the model at all), and the other was God-knows-what. One has an auto-flash turned on, the other had no proper focusing while another had a fast shutter but as I sneakily peeked over, the shot looked under-exposedly bad. I got my one-shot-one-kill perfect pic and quietly, I went straight for the buffet table. I wasn't happy, but totally disappointed. Their ego had left them blinded.  All thought they knew too well. One or two were still clicking away after I had sat down on my table, enjoying my meal.

One advice: Ask, and you'll be enlightened.

You can't deny the powers of a Summilux. Or in this D-Lux 5 case, a (Vario) Summicron.

Warranty already over with all items in box complete with the receipt of purchase.

SD card not included.

I'm adding the Leica Brown Case as shown in the pic as part of the bundle.

Fast cash transaction will have a good bargain price. It's $800 for now and of course, it's negotiable with the right buyer. I won't bite. Promise.


Enjoy the pics.

"Good Bye, Baby Leica.... Though it hurts to part with you, at least I know, you'll have a great new family to take care of you now...."   ;'(


I have with me a very mint condition Leica D-Lux 4. 

SOLD to a nice gentleman...

SOLD to a nice gentleman...

As you can see in the pictures, it is very well taken care of by me with not even a speck of dust or scratch on its LCD and Lens.

Bought from Cathay Photo. Very much unwilling to let go. Selling to fund non-camera purchases.

It is only used mostly to take family pics and it has served us well. It is time for a new owner to appreciate a great affordable "baby" Leica.

SOLD to a nice gentleman...

1) Comes with box with all the accessories included.
2) Black Leica Strap is untouched.
3) Lightroom CD untouched.
4) Battery, and battery cover totally clean.
5) Warranty registered online : 28th August 2010 (About one and a half years of warranty left. TOTAL is 3 years)
6) The Leica Camera case already has patina and show normal wear on the corners and normal abrasions on strap.
7) SD card not included. 

Asking price is $700. Will throw in a very nice half case Cover (as shown in pic) if price is met via fast cash transaction by Sunday evening (29th April 2012)  at my location.

Thank you!

SOLD to a nice gentleman...

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