EVENTS & HAPPENINGS: The Online Sungei Road

Friday, October 22, 2010


The Online Sungei Road
Singapore Leg of WIEF 2011
where artistes from SE Asia
come down to share their talent and masterpieces.

Marketplace of CREATIVE ARTS
Asian Civilisations Museum
19th February 2011
Further details here:

Main Event:
7th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF)
7th June 2011
Astana, Kazakhstan
Check out their Official Site for more details:


 It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).

- Sura' Ali Imran (Father Of Mary) Verse 3.

Miracles of the Al-Quran

Darul Arqam Singapore will be inviting two prominent speakers from Turkey, Dr Ahmet Oktar Babuna and Dr Mohamet Cihat Gundogdu. They are representative of the prominent speaker Adnan Oktar who wrote under the pen name "Harun Yahya".

Sunday, January 23rd 2011.

8pm - 10pm.

DBS Auditorium, 6 Shenton Way, Singapore.

Please CLICK on LINK below for more details:


Do support us!!!!

Please click on the pic to see the whole image.


"Some of us are too snobbishly absorbed in our quest for superiority against our friends and enemies in terms of worldly possessions that we fail to acknowledge our own imperfections and defeats; that by doing so, we're unfortunately another step away from Allah..."
~ The Silent Writer

"Know well that the worldly life is but a play and an amusement, and a show of beauty, and exchange of boastful claims between you, and a competition of increase in riches and children. (All this is) like a rain, the growth of which attracts the farmers, then it withers, and you see it turning yellow, then it becomes straw. And in the Hereafter there is a severe punishment (for the disbelievers), and forgiveness from Allah and (Allah’s) pleasure (for the believers and the righteous). The worldly life is nothing but a material of delusion."

~ Al-Quran Surah Al-Hadid verse 20

Living in Akhir Zaman (End of Time)

Muslims are living in a time
known as Akhir Zaman (End Times)
and are facing numerous challenges from different angles.
While some chose to surrender
to the stream of time and modernization,
some choose to remain on the path
and be close to Allah.
The latter eventually managed
to overcome the challenges
and make the best of his life.
How can a Muslim live in the End Times,
with all the trials and tribulation,
yet make the best out of it?

December 13, 7:00PM to 10:00PM

41 Dunlop Street

Maulana Dr Waffie Mohamed is an Active Da'ie
from Trinidad and Tobago.
He holds a PhD from University of Karachi
and is now the director of Markaz al-Ihsaan,
Institute of Islamic Theology.

With more than 20 published articles,
books and researches,
Dr Waffie Mohamed is indeed a renown scholar
that one would definitely benefit from.


Do you think that Islam brings peace?

Or does the religion of Muhammad contains deceitful secrets
to mislead mankind to acts of "holy" war
against non-Muslims?

Are you an atheist who still adamantly believes that apes are our ancestors?

Is it true that God's final revelations 1400 years ago
brings forth scientific proof of His existence?

In a modern world where miracles are only backed by pure faith,
what does BELIEF stands for?

If Modern Science can completely prove
the Existence of God,
will YOU submit to His Will?

"...There is this choice you can make because you're in complete control of your own life.
Either you believe in the Hellfire and the Afterlife,
and therefore you seek the Correct Path,
or you may choose to believe that Hell does not exist.
Why be bothered by what the lecturer has to say,
if you don't believe in Hell.
There is nothing to be afraid of by attending it...
The lecture is only a discussion of God's Latest Scripture for Mankind
and its connections to the Torah, Bible and other sacred text..."
~ The Silent Writer

Saturday, Dec 11
7:30PM to 11:00PM

BLK 6 Shenton Way
DBS Building Tower 2

People of Darul Arqam Singapore


This lecture builds on past presentations and considers the nature and process of revelation of the Qur'an, and its inherent distinction relative to other Sacred Scriptures such as the Holy Bible, the Bhagvad Gita and the I-Ching.

The lecture proceeds to explore the impact of the Qur'an on society historically and and today, concluding with an articulation of the basis of understanding the text, and based on this the universal messages of the Qur’an to mankind in general and to Muslims specifically. 

About the speaker:

Maulana Dr Waffie Mohamed is an Active Da'ie from Trinidad and Tobago. He holds a PhD from University of Karachi and is now the director of Markaz al-Ihsaan, institute of Islamic Theology.

With more than 20 published articles, books and researches, Dr Waffie Mohamed is indeed a renown scholar that one would definitely benefit from.

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